Dear Friend,
I got to thinking the other day about the time I was so heartbroken I thought I would never
recover. I had not experienced such heartache before. Experiencing that as an adult is as vast a
different experience from teenage heartbreak as walking the cow’s path versus flying in a
spaceship. I was not prepared for the depth of my feelings when they came, nor was I prepared
for just how holistically the experience touched on every area of me. I thought, “okay, it’s time
to move on and find someone who is worthy of being with me.”
Eventually I did recover, and I remember distinctly having the conversation with myself that the
experience was not going to close me down to love. I remember making the very conscious
decision to walk into my next relationship with an open and willing heart – even if that meant
getting hurt again. While I discovered innumerable gifts as I walked the path of becoming
“worthy of someone worthy of me”, walking into another relationship after having my heart
broken so thoroughly was one of the defining moments of adulthood for me. I suddenly saw that
a naiveté was gone, and that it was a good thing. It had kept me in a place of unknowing and
only in a place of knowing can one make a conscious choice.
From one Goddess…